Elevating Living Standards - Our Building Process in Perth
Selecting the Finest Land
We start by picking premium quality land in Perth, making sure it aligns with our high standards. Our primary focus when purchasing land is the potential for it to become more valuable over time for our potential homebuyers in the future. Additionally, we prioritise premium locations to seamlessly integrate our homes with their surroundings.

From Ideas to Blueprints
During this step, our experienced architects turn their ideas into reality. They design spaces that makeup most of the land and enhance its natural beauty. They consider the local surroundings and adhere to Perth’s regulations, ensuring your home is not just beautiful but also meets all the requirements. This step ensures everything is in order before we start building.

From Build to Finish
This is where your dream begins to come alive. Our skilled builders and contractors, using top-notch materials, bring the design to life. Our focus on the details guarantees that every part meets our high standards. Plus, our interior designers enhance both the functionality and appearance of your space, crafting an environment that suits your lifestyle.

Inspection and Handover to Happy Owner
Before we hand you over the keys, we check everything thoroughly to make sure it’s just right. We take care of any final details to ensure that you’re happy with the results. Once everything gets the green light, it’s time to celebrate – we hand over the keys to your premium-quality home in Perth.

Staying in Touch for Ultimate Customer Satisfaction
Even after you’ve settled in, our commitment stays strong. We ensure your long-term happiness and satisfaction. That’s why we stay in touch, offering details about maintenance, warranties, and answering any questions you might have about your new home. We’re here for you even after the handover.

Ready to make the shift?
Contact us and begin your journey towards owning your dream house today!
Words FROM our
happy cLIENTS
I’ve known the directors of PRA Developments for many years now. I have to admit they are one of the most humblest, genuine and honest people I’ve come across. Clients and customers always comes first for them and this is articulated through their townhouses, with some of the most stylish and functional townhouses on the market. I would highly recommend PRA Developments to buyers. Trusted directors and absolutely amazing products!
I've been consistently impressed by the level of service I receive. The attention to detail and the prompt responses make it an absolute pleasure to be a customer.
The team is remarkably efficient and professional. They deliver quality every time and exceed expectations. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is truly commendable.
I've been using their services for over a year now and it has been a game-changer. The convenience and reliability they offer are unmatched. Truly a top-notch service that I couldn't be happier with!
I have dealt with PRA Developments having sold a few of their recent projects. One of the biggest pro’s about their builds is they usually don’t go up for sale until the building consent is issued and the slab is in the ground. This means you get the keys for your new home faster! PRA Developments deliver a competitive product to the market place focused on design, spec, affordability and location.
Marc Hannington